Moelis Australia
MA Moelis Australia is MA Financial Group’s Corporate Advisory and Equities division.
They provide strategic and financial advice for mergers and acquisitions, equity capital markets (ECM), debt capital markets and restructuring as well as cash equities trading. Our specialised sector capabilities include real estate, credit and restructuring, technology and small to mid-cap industrial companies.
Since 2009, the team has advised on over $100 billion worth of transactions, including SABMiller’s acquisition of Fosters, the spin-off of Woolworths’ property business into SCA, and the restructure of Billabong and Channel 9. The team has also acted as Financial Adviser to Speedcast in its $1.2bn debt restructuring and to Stockland in its $620m acquisition of Halcyon Group. The team also led the recapitalisation and reconstruction of Slater and Gordon, and advised on the sale of the Ten Network to CBS.
The Equities division offers specialist securities research, sales and trading execution services to both individual and institutional clients. Complementing our Corporate Advisory division, we provide expertise on equity capital markets and help facilitate client transactions, including raising capital for pre-IPOs, IPOs, follow-on issuances, block trades, share buy-backs, and underwriting dividend reinvestment plans.
For more information, please visit our MA Financial Group website: www.mafinancial.com
Moelis & Company is a substantial shareholder in MA Financial Group, an ASX-listed company (ASX code: MAF) and a global strategic alliance partner with MA Moelis Australia, MA Financial Group’s Corporate Advisory and Equities division. MA Financial is a diversified financial services firm specialising in managing alternative assets, lending, corporate advisory and equities trading and research services predominantly in APAC region. See www.mafinancial.com for further information.